
FES記録(week⑪ 2017/06/28)


一人ひとりの実践に関して、Content, Language, Structureの観点から評価をし、点数化をして結果を返却しました。



・「集合!」はCollectではなくて、Bring it in!


① 横井君

right side→right foot
fall the ball→drop the ball
any places of your body→any parts of your body
free touch→unlimited(米)
I'm strong with right side →I’m a right footer
saying the name of the person that who  kick who you kick to.→Call the name before you pass.
while carrying the ball, you don't have to fall the ball.→
when you drop the ball before the goal area, you must come back to the starting spot.
But once you reach the goal area, you can drop and keep challenging ※ don’t have to~:~する必要がない

・Mr. Moriyasuとは言わなくて良いです。HiroでOK

unlucky / good try

we can use only the head to carry the ball to the goal→Now we can use only the head

② 上田君

・then, nextのような単語を使って、順序立てて説明することができていました。

Collect→bring it in / Come in closer
 go forward→hit the striker   defender, offense, change→defenders, offense, swap over
one server→one passer
Move the forwardこれは「FWを動かせ」だったらOK。でも「FW動け」だったら、Forward, moveです。

・closing stageでしっかりとプレーのコツを伝えることができていました。


③ 奥山君

pass and trap→pass and control
be careful to look up→Be sure to look up
And call when where you want  pass right side or left side.→Tell where you want to receive the ball, right or left foot
right rotation→Let’s go to your right
big voice→louder
last rotation→last one / a couple more
next is reverse→next, we go to the other side / change side / other way / now, to your left
voice voice→talk / communicate
Be careful→Focus / better touch
pass speed→firm ball



④ 藤田君

Please split the three spots→Please split into three areas
you get the pass in the circle and another, another side and go running.→when you receive the ball inside the circle, pass to your right side.
strong pass→stronger pass
It's important in the timing→timing is important
another reverse→other way / to the other side / to your left
go runnings in the space and pass, and receive for here pass under go and please go back there corn and ball.
→go to the space and pass. And run backward while you look at the ball / while facing the ball
Please collect→Bring it in


・first touch is outside→first touch should / must / can / be your outside 意図をはっきり伝えましょう




one on one.→1 v 1
feint→ body feint
press press→stronger / tighter /  pressure
Are you enjoy the training?→Did you have a fun?

・closing stageでしっかりとプレーのコツを伝えることができていました。


⑥ 出口君

Four on one→Four v one
Not point, not point,→Stand on the line / stand between the markers
Cut ball→intercept
Go defender more more→Come on, defenders. / stronger / Tighter. / More pressure.

・最後のclosing stageでコツを強調しましょう。ノーコメントはだめだよ!



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